Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What is Love

We all live for love. We all search for love. We all want to love and be loved. But what is love?
Love is like air! it always surround us, soothes us with its gentle touch. It gives us the reason of our life. We can feel it but cant see it directly.
Love is a feeling that enrich our inner-selves. We tend to love something which is closer to our heart. And by loving something we tend to make ourselves suitable for that lovable, which in turn makes ourselves a better person, a lovable person. There is a difference between love and lust. Lust desires from us, makes us vulnerable. But someone who loves is free from such vulnerabilities. Love never demands anything, all it knows is love.
Love is in the heart of a mother, Love is in the touch of a brother, Love is in the eyes of a person who love. True love never seeks any reason for its being, it's just there. We are all being loved by someone and for that love we are still alive. We don't need to find it. All we need is to realize that it is there and forever will be.
Love can never be described, love can never be given a definition, love is what it is and the best way to describe love is: to Love.
"Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever."


  1. But love have other definitions too.....

  2. Love does not need definitions, all it needs is to feel. Isn't it?


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