Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions.

Now the holiday time is over. The long week is over and it's the boring time ahead, the usual office and home and office again the next day. It's also the time to make some resolutions, resolutions that we would follow throughout the year. Resolutions that would define how we're going to spend the year. But our day to day work do not allow us to follow the path we had chosen the previous year. Though most of us forget what we had chosen, yet we make resolutions. 
So, here I am with some resolutions related to work that we would not forget easily and not that hard to follow throughout the year.
1) Be late to our office rather than being punctual.
2) Responsibility is for the weak people, we, the stronger ones will be irresponsible.
3) Bosses are there to do their jobs, we will not care about them or how they perform their duty.
4) The best way is to not involve in any critical work, but if have to in any case, we would be defocused and act as confused.
5) Frequent absence from office will be our trademark for this year.
6) But on the day of salary, we would like to forget what absence means!
7) If we have to attend any meeting or conference specially important and boring ones, and got a chance to speak in any case, the only word we say would be "Why I am here?"

I hope you are not taking it seriously!

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