It is said Vardhamana Mahavira, the 23th Jain Tirthankara had visited the place and stayed for some months. Some local Pundits believe that he had attained his Kevalajnana (কৈবল্য) near Jougram (then known as ‘Jomvio’ village) of the Bardhaman district. The similarity between the names of Vardhamana and Bardhaman may have lighted up the imagination of Pundits that this place is draws its name from the great Trithankara of Jainism during the 500-600 BCE.
Some people belive that Bardhaman draws its name from the word Brodmon as stated by famous Greek Historian Ptolemy. The reason behind Brodmon is said to be the existence of two certain native indigenous inhabitants named as Boro and Domon. Simultaneous pronunciation of Boro-Domon may have resulted the name Bardhaman.
Whatever be the reason, both the references dated so long that there is no doubt about the anciency of Bardhaman.